What does a producer or project manager of events?
While it takes a whole team trained to carry out an event or live show successful, every production needs a person at the helm: the producer or project manager. Their role is deceptively simple but incredibly multi-faceted.
Basically, an event producer acts as a creative leader and general manager of project for quite an experience to live. Transform initial concepts in the visions of the executable and well-defined as coordinate all of the technical requirements and logistics from beginning to end.
The producers have many roles throughout the life cycle of an event: creative director, strategist, budget, production designer, programmer and more. Its orientation gives form to everything from the initial flow of the show and the execution of the documents of the show until the recruitment of the technical team, the selection of suppliers and the approval of the final look.
Basic responsibilities of producers or project managers
The specific responsibilities of a producer in any particular project is very broad:
Development of concepts
Convert the objectives of the stakeholders in a creative direction is clear and cohesive, aligned with the expectations of the target audience.
Budget and economic control of the project
Create budgets projected comprehensive, allocate resources, negotiate with suppliers and ensure the funds or sponsorships are needed.
Creative design
Direct the overall look, feel, and flow of the experience through design, production, scripts, graphics, technical drawings, and more.
Recruitment of staff and external companies
Recruit and supervise lighting designers, audio engineers, stage managers, computers, A/V and other staff more qualified.
Logistics coordination
Ensure places, manage licenses/permits, coordinate schedules of entry and check-out, transport, accommodation and more.
Approvals stakeholders
Interact regularly with stakeholders to ensure that goals are met and milestones and obtain approvals in key phases.
Production management
Oversee the daily process of implementation of the vision: programming, production meetings, troubleshooting and more.
Skills of a producer or project manager
Not everyone can handle the immense responsibilities and the high pressure environment in which they operate producers. The main producers of events share:
Creative vision
The ability to continually keep in mind the artistic vision of the overall experience while you think of down to the last detail.
Strong leadership
Producers should be assertive but also excellent communicators to keep the big teams motivated, working together, and concentrated.
Skill in the management of projects
With so many moving parts, it is vital to an organization, multitasking, and the tenacity to keep everything as scheduled.
Budgetary discipline
Maximize every euro is critical. It is essential to creative thinking combined with negotiation skills and experience in cost control.
Know how to control the nerves
When problems arise, delays or changes inevitable, continue to be a source of quiet guidance to the team is invaluable.
The team of a producer or project manager
While producers assume the main role, or even the most talented can orchestrate a successful event for themselves. Depend on surround themselves with teams and partners with reliable and qualified:
Heads of Department / Designers
The producers meet and supervise teams of technical directors, lighting designers, audio engineers, directors of the video and more to fulfill the vision.
Production assistants
Having a staff of AP that working hard is essential to keep every item organized through the planning and on the site.
External companies
Everything, from the suppliers of spaces and catering to homes rental of audiovisual equipment and more, become partners of key production.
Technical experts and consultants
For productions especially complex or high-risk, often used by external specialists to ensure a perfect execution. As you may be our case to the technical production of events.
To promote a positive atmosphere and communicative with this core team, the producer exponentially increases your chances of conducting a successful event.
Realise your vision
No matter what type of live event you have in mind, to have a talented producer that guides the entire process of technical production of events is absolutely essential.
BCN 360° is the home to some of the producers and management teams of production most creative and experienced in Spain. Our experts have orchestrated corporate conferences, broadcasts on live television, thematic exhibitions immersive, tours, stadiums, awards galas, esports tournaments, and more.
We have the vision, technical knowledge, and proven processes to make even your more ambitious concepts. From the budget, and the supply of the place up to the specification of the computer and the presentation with a team of technical talent, we will ensure that your event will cause a lasting impression.
Are you interested in learning more about how our services of production could improve your next experience in Barcelona or anywhere in Spain? We would love to discuss your initial ideas and to share some of our best recent work!